Zimmer EmField Pro

Kickstart Regeneration at A Cellular Level

The Zimmer EmField Pro generates a magnetic field of 3 Tesla, which is about 600 times stronger than a normal magnet bar. This strong magnetic field simulates nerve cells, muscles, and blood vessels.

High Energy Induction Therapy (HEIT) changes the voltage within a cell by applying energy through magnetic pulses. This directly impacts the energy production in the mitochondria and the Na+/K+ pump within a cell which results in the regeneration of a normal resting membrane potential and slows the decay of cellular polarity

The increased voltage allows molecules that passively pass into the cell to pass much more efficiently

The EmField increases the action potential of a cell, which results in a series of revolutionary clinical results

  • Recover Faster

  • Maintain and Increase Muscle Tone

  • Decrease Inflammation

  • Decrease Pain

  • Increase Nerve Activation

Revolutionary Results For The Following

Clinical Indcations


Pain Relief

Provides long lasting pain relief for difficult to treat conditions


Nerve Stimulation

Reactivate damaged nerves by repolarizing the damaged cells within the nerve


Urinary Incontinence

Treat incontinence and pelvic pain without the need for internal treatments or disrobing


Muscle Contractions

Create muscle contractions in functioning muscles as well as muscles that are difficult to contract by encouraging the release of Ca in the muscle


Improved Blood Circulation

Promote blood flow to speed up the healing process


Fracture Healing

Speed up the healing process for joining and non joining fractures


The EmField is a powerful tool for activating Gate Theory. Pain is blocked by reducing the activity of C fibres in the nerve. This reduction in pain allows the body to retrain itself through muscle activation


Serotonin and histamine opens the blood vessels so that the body can get rid of the swelling. The EmField effects the cell membrane so that it can be penetrated more effectively to allow better exchange within the cell

Muscle Contractions

The EmField assists in activating the nerve to create muscle contractions. It does this by exciting the synaptic endings to aide in the release of ACH to produce muscle contractions

Making Changes At The Cellular Level

The Science Behind How It Works

Slows Down Cellular Degredation

In the extracellular space, the most common ion is Na+, and the most common ion in the intracellular space is K+

Because of the high concentration gradient, a Na+ diffuses into the cell and a K+ diffuses out of the cell

In this process there is also a displacement of electrical charges

When at rest, the K+ channels are open and the Na+ channels are closed. The inside of the cell becomes more negative as each K+ ion diffuses out of the cell

As this electrical gradient is changed, so is the concentration gradient

Over time, The concentrations would balance out purely passively, which leads to cell death

Assists the Na+/K+ Pump

In order to prevent equilibrium within a cell, the concentration gradient for Na+ and K+ must be maintained by an active ATP consuming process

For example, in the nerve, the electrical information transfer and processing is the task of the Na+/K+ pump, which consumes 50% - 70% of the entire ATP requirement of the cells

The Na+/ K+ can be influenced by various factors such as toxins, drugs, or a lack of energy. The resting membrane potential becomes increasingly positive and the cell functions are then disrupted

Discover How HEIT Changed this BC Chiropractor's Clinic

Learn how Craig Miller at Buckley Valley Chiropractic in BC gained better results for his patients.

Discover how he increased his ROI from his existing client base

Treat Statically or Dynamically

Dual Treatment Heads

The only HEIT device with dual treatment heads.

Treat statically or dynamically


Large Treatment Head

For treatments where patients can be left unattended


Small Treatment Head

For active treatments in many target points or for use in motion

Treat Static/Passively

Designed for treating targetted treatment areas. Simply adjust the wand to the desired setting. Lock it in place and allow the treatment to run

  • Large treatment head reaches powers of 3 Tesla

  • Treat smallerr areas or target points

  • Treat with a larger spread across the muscle

Treat Dynamically

Move the treatment head throughout the treatment to access different areas of a muscle group for a full coverage effect on larger muscles

  • Medium treatment head reaches powers of 2.5 Tesla

  • Treat larger muscle groups

  • Direct the treatment into specific areas

20 Built in Treatment Protocols

Easily treat the most common injuries with built in protocols

  • Sprain (chronic and acute)

  • Inflammation (chronic and acute)

  • Pain (chronic and acute)

  • Cervical Pain (chronic and acute)

  • Lower Back Pain (chronic and acute)

  • Shoulder Pain (chronic and acute)

  • Elbow Pain (chronic and acute)

  • Hip or Pelvic Pain (chronic and acute)

  • Knee Pain or Arthritis (chronic and acute)

  • Ankle Pain (chronic and acute)

Expert Mode

Treat with complete flexibility by building your own programs in Expert Mode

Save up to 20 programs of your own design

Schedule a Demo

Allow the most painless, most durable shockwave to prove itself to you.

Set up a call with one of our reps and we will show you how the Zimmer EmField 2.0 can benefit your clinic and provide undeniable results for your patients

Treatment Demonstrations

Case Studies

  • Electromagentic Fields and Magnets - Investigational Treatment for Muskuloskeletal Disorders

  • Efficiency of Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation (EXMI) in Urinary Incontinence - A Symptomatic Assessment

  • Functional Magnetic Stimulation for Conditioning of Expiratory Muscles in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury

  • Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Articular Hyaline Cartilage - Review of Experimental and Clinical Studies

What Clinics Says About The Zimmer EmField Pro

Chuck Bagwell

Doctor of Physical Therapy, Yorba Linda, California

” It has been very beneficial with a wide variety of conditions. With the depth that it penetrates, it has been extremely effective for lumbar spine conditions. I have been amazed at how effective the emFieldPro
has been.”

Ralf Mühlhäuser,

Physical Therapist, Ulm, Germany

” I had a patient who had undergone elbow surgery and was not able to return to work for almost a year. He had tried various therapies that did not produce results.

By the time he sought treatment with me, he was suffering from Chronic Pain Syndrome. We started a multi-disciplinary approach, combining emFieldPro, intense exercise, and manual techniques. Within 6 weeks, the patient was able to resume part-time work, and after 3 months he was completely back on track.”

Farley Brown
Doctor of Chiropractic, Fallbrook, California

” In the management of spastic or hypertonic musculature,

I have found that utilizing the emFieldPro
not only relaxed the musculature, but provided a great pain management mechanism, as well – in as short as a 20 minutes

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